What is Massage Therapy?

Massage is a form of detox. It helps move and eliminate metabolic waste (Cell poop… gross) and improve circulation throughout the muscular, lymphatic, and cardiovascular system. Massage gives the body an extra “hand” eliminating any impurities that has been stored in the muscles by using different manual manipulation techniques. Depending on the technique, massage can stimulate tired weak muscles giving the body energy. Or, it can release built up tension in overworked muscles and relieve stress allowing to body to relax.

It all just depends on what your body needs. All I know is no one likes to be full of crap.


Words from the owner of Jackson Hands, Frances Jackson.

“Massage Therapy has been around for thousands of years and has been written about in different ancient text from different cultures around the world. Practicing something created by the ancients allows me to continue something, I consider in a way, a tradition. Also, it’s fun giving massage therapy a modern day twist and creating a culture that finds new ways to relax in this fast pace world we live in today.”

“The purpose is to be able to make relaxation accessible through mobile massage. The mission is to create a more relaxing world through massage and other alternative therapies.”