Tips on how to get the most out your Massage.

1. Drink plenty of water the day and night before your massage.

 Staying hydrated for your massage makes your muscles more pliable for the therapist to do deeper work with less pressure. Being hydrated also keeps your skin nice and subtle which allows the therapist from having to use as much cream, lotion, or oil.

(No one likes being greasy.)

2. List any injuries, new and old.

Your injuries may not be causing you pain at the moment and we want to keep it that way. However, if you had any injuries, chances are your body has become accustomed and adjusted to the pain you used have in which, may be the cause of your muscle tension, alignment issues, and or limited range of motion. If your therapist is aware of these new and old injuries, your therapist is better equipped to customize your session accordingly to your needs.

3.Take Deep Breaths.

During the Massage, it is important to practice deep breathing, with nice and slow inhales and exhales. Increasing the amount of oxygen flow to the body helps muscle tension to release. Since muscles use oxygen for energy, you energize your muscles by deep breathing. Deep breathing also helps slow your heart rate down and brings your mental to a state of relaxation.

(Are we or are we not here to relax?)

( Duh?!)

(Rolls eyes)

4. You are the boss.

If there is something else that you feel needs to be address or need something to be readdressed, within the allotted time, tell your therapist. Whether it is the depth or pressure, the temperature of the table warmer, or an area you feel may need some more work, your therapist is there to make sure you feel comfortable so you can relax. Your therapist is there to help you with your needs.  

(Not your wants, those are two different things, don’t get it confused.)

(Snaps finger)

5. Drink more water.

Massage is a form of detox meaning it helps eliminate waste from the body.


One of the fastest way to flush waste from the body is to drink a lot of water. After the massage It is suggested to drink at least half your body weight in ounces. If anything you should be drinking at least 8 cups of water a day which is equivalent to 64 ounces.

6. Sweat.

Sweat is another way to eliminate waste from the body.


To add to your detox, after your massage either take a hot soak, steam or shower. With a soft dry brush, add some of your favorite essential oils, some Epsom salt, and massage the body during your hot soak, steam, or shower to draw out impurities and eliminate dead skin cells leaving the body feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.